What’s Nick Radge Reading?
Whilst I spend most of my day researching ideas and fine tuning strategies, I also have a regular reading list that provides some great insights on a variety of topics.
What makes this list different to most newsletters is that they make no hysterical predictions. Just common sense and facts.
Nick Radge’s Current Reading List:
The Fat Pitch by Urban Carmel
Strange name right? But the guy knows his stuff and he writes really well. He’s of Wharton and McKinsey alumni and been around the securities industry since 1994. His proposition is simple;
“If you have a factual point to make, show the numbers, the chart, the facts. Otherwise it’s just postulation and not very useful.”
Urban takes a broad view on many topics and succinctly puts them into layman terms and draws conclusions that are on point and easy to understand.
Pension Partners Blog by Charlie Bilello
Charlie is Director of Research at Pension Partners, an independent investment advisory firm in New York. He is the co-author of four award winning research papers on market anomalies and investing. If you’re not into the deep white papers, the blog provides nice insights on all things stock markets, the economy, inflation and interest rates. Whilst these tend toward boring by most, Charlie puts them into an easily readable and interesting format.
A Wealth Of Common Sense by Ben Carlson
Ben is a Director of Institutional Asset Management at Ritholz Wealth and has a history of managing high level portfolios. His blog explains the complex world of finance in a way that many can understand. He says, “ Albert Einstein once said, if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
Short Takes by Chris Ciovacco
Chris runs a boutique money management firm that uses a proprietary investment algorithm. His Short Takes blog provides some solid background using many technical indicators and historical comparisons providing great insights. His Twitter feed is also full of gems and worthy of a follow.
I hope you find these as useful as I do.