Trading – The Lonely Journey?
Trading – The Lonely Journey?
One of the more difficult things that people find with trading is the isolation.
Picking stocks is a lonely business. Especially if you’re used to working with like-minded people. People you interacted with, bounced ideas off, or enjoyed being around.
Humans are social creatures. Trading removes this natural human need. New traders can feel edgy and uncomfortable.
Trading is also an emotional business. It’s one thing to lose money, yet to lose money in an environment where there is no one to help you debrief can be a challenge.
The isolation brings other challenges. Most employers set KPI’s and there’s a boss who oversees your performance. You must be accountable.
With trading you are both the employee and the boss. Self discipline, self motivation and structure are key to your future success. You report only to yourself (or your partner).
I’ve heard people attending trading seminars, or logging to a webinar, say that it’s nice to be in the same ‘room’ with other investors. They enjoy the sense of community.
So, how do you overcome the isolation?
Find a community of professional investors, traders and technicians focused on helping each other become better traders.
Try the Australian Shareholders Association (ASA ) or Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA). Both have annual conferences where you can meet and share ideas with other traders.
The Chartist is a community-based support network for both novice and more experienced traders. A community where on a daily basis you get access to experienced professionals who are there to keep you on track. Plus we want to see you succeed and enjoy the immense rewards that can come from being a trader.