The Biggest Business in the World
What is the biggest business in the world? No, it’s not Apple Inc (AAPL), Amazon.com (AMZN) or Alphabet (GOOGL).
Every day billions of dollars change hands across stock, futures and currency markets around the world. As traders and investors, participating in these markets means taking part in the biggest business on the planet.
Major businesses have measurable goals and vision for now and into the future.
Yet you may be surprised to hear what the goals and visions are for the biggest of them all, Global Markets.
Rather than being a business with positive leadership and a clear direction inspired psychologically and financially, Global Markets tend to exhibit the opposite.
Global Markets tend to create losses for most of its participants.
They are driven by the forces of supply and demand. When the smart money – market makers, institutions and professional traders – aim to make money, it often comes at the expense of unwary retail investors.
Reading reams of financial reporting and fundamental information is not going to grant you access to the smart money club.
Although tracking their footprints through price action, volume and other technical aspects of the price chart, can provide you the ability to trade with them rather than against them.
Mechanically speaking, trading is very easy. Anyone can place a trade.
As we’ve stated on these pages before, close to 90% of traders are on the losing end of the deal.
And the biggest business in the world doesn’t care one iota if you lose. It won’t even give you a performance appraisal after a string of losses.
Basically you’re in the deep end on your own.
Good traders develop a disciplined trading system that works for them. Sophisticated or simple, it doesn’t matter so long as it gives you an edge.
And its important to have a well designed and thought out strategy before you start trading.
Like a well drilled U.S Marine, when you start trading, your processes must be automatic and beyond questioning.
For many this is a lot easier said than done.
If you don’t have a strategy you trust, get in touch and we can guide you in the right direction.
Ready to start trading? Join The Chartist today.