Understanding How the Growth Portfolio Works
Understanding, Protecting And Growing Your Wealth By Investing Just 10 Minutes A Day
In just a few minutes I’ll show you and understanding of why you don’t need to be at the mercy of the economic climate… don’t need to lose a ton of money every time we go through a bear market… and how to turn the stock market around from being a ‘hopeless game of chance’ into a method of growing your wealth over the long term without being concerned about another GFC meltdown.
Make no mistake. Up until now there has been no easy way of doing this. And as many investors found out during the GFC, you simply cannot hand your money over to an expert and hope for the best. You need to take charge. You need to take responsibility and be in control.
But before we get to the nitty-gritty let’s talk briefly about fear – it really is important to your success.
According to research released recently by CoreData^, despite all of the “expert advice” they received, 87% of self-funded retirees have lost wealth since the global financial crisis began. And almost half have lost more than $100,000.
What these losses did was instil a large degree of fear and loathing for share market investing and those brokers and financial planners who thwarted the dreams of their clients.
But there is actually no reason to fear another GFC type event.
The Greatest Principle Of Successful Investing I Have Ever Been Exposed To
In my 27 years of investing and analysis, the single most powerful principle I’ve ever come across is that you should invest only with the trend. Not only can this approach make you a significant sum of money, it can save you from great financial heartache and psychological stress.
In fact, if more brokers and financial planners followed this advice during the GFC, they could have saved their clients from some of the big falls of blue chip companies which have cost Australians millions of dollars such as…
- – Macquarie Group (MQG) dropping from $90+ to under $30…
- – Rio Tinto (RIO) dropping from over $150 to $30…
- – or Babcock and Brown (BNB) which dropped from over $30 into the Abyss.
Investing with the trend works so effectively because it is based around human emotion: more specifically fear and greed. And while the economy may change, while companies may come and go, human emotions have ALWAYS remained constant.
I was so passionate about this concept and frustrated (actually I was truly angry!) that it was so easy to use yet ignored by the big end of town that I actually wrote the bestselling book, Unholy Grails to get the word out there.
And guess who knocked on my door in desperation back in 2008/09?
You guessed it…the very same financial planners and brokers who had lost significant amounts of their clients money in the GFC! They did so much damage that their very own businesses were in jeopardy. They too were fearful of another big fall and they too needed a tool to protect their businesses during a new catastrophe – so they came to me for help.
I know there is a lot to fear, but since we started back in 1985 there has always something to fear somewhere on the horizon. If it wasn’t the ’87 crash, it was the ‘recession we had to have’. If it wasn’t the Tech crash it was the Asian currency crisis, Russia bond default, September 11, 02-03 bear market, the GFC, Fukushima, Europe, the Fiscal Cliff or, as it is these days, the US debt ceiling.
But here’s the thing, it’s so important NOT to miss the good times when that pendulum does move nicely back in your favour – which it always will. Many times fear gets the best of us so we prefer to stand aside and then miss out.
How Herb Left $452,332 On The Table
I want to take a moment to talk about an acquaintance from way back in 2002.
At the time Herb was in his late 50’s and had his own concreting business in northern Queensland. He had managed to put together a healthy superfund valued at about $200,000. But he was petrified.
You see, he was absolutely convinced that the stock market was going to crash.
He read every article and subscribed to every doom-and-gloom report he could get his hands on. He devoured the bearish argument and had no time or patience for any other opinion.
And then the market started going up…and up…and up.
Back in 2002 the market was sitting at approximately 14,000. In the coming 5 years it rose to almost 43,000, some 200% gain in short time. The biggest bull market since the 80’s. A true life time opportunity.
But Herb sat on the sidelines and watched the market rise before his very eyes.
He was frozen by fear and just couldn’t act.
Had he used our active investment strategy – the Growth Portfolio, he would have nothing to fear.
You see it automatically exits and reverts to cash as soon as the trend changes to down.
Is that not just plain logical?
Had he invested and followed our very specific plan Herbs’ $200,000 would have been valued at more than $650,000*.
And when prices started falling, he would have locked in most of those profits and sat back safely in cash as the market dropped during the GFC. He would have kept the majority of his profits, but more importantly, he would have been ready to invest again as the market exploded higher in 2009.
As this real-life example shows, fear is actually a very costly mistake, and one that professional investors do not make and why, as a client of The Chartist, you’ll be well cared for in both bull and bear markets.
Trish and I invest in the same strategy ourselves for part of our portfolio, and we disclose all our positions and our performance for all too see.
Since mid-2009 our very own fund has outpaced the benchmark by a considerable margin*.
And obviously we’d like to see all our clients ride some nice trends higher with us.
But what about you and your strategy going forward?
We’re All Money Managers Now
We know our clients very well and like them you probably have a dream for your investment capital.
It probably does not involve making a million dollars by next Wednesday, rolling around sandy beaches with your laptop punting global FX markets, or swanning around in a red Ferrari.
Your dream is probably more realistic:
- You would like to generate a reasonable return and beat the market.
- You’d like to feel that the strategy you employ does actually work and will actually prevent extreme losses like so many suffered during the GFC.
- You’d like the strategy to have clarity and simplicity.
I may have not pegged your dream perfectly, but after talking with hundreds of investors about their goals, dreams and plans, this pretty much seems to sum it up.
So What’s The Solution?
You must find an objective, accurate source of financial counsel such as The Chartist Growth Portfolio.
We want the Growth Portfolio in your hands because so many people have asked us to give them a plan to beat the market without using a managed fund, stock broker or a financial planner and without the need to pore over ghastly financial statements, decipher the huge complexities and idiosyncrasies of global economics and without having to try and pick the next ‘best thing’.
There are a lot of investment strategies out there already. More systems, techniques and formulas than anyone can really count. What we know is that many of them are based on traditional thinking and therefore suffered huge losses during the GFC. This is fine for those people that can handle huge losses but if you’re not one of them, you’re kind of screwed.
We don’t want you to be screwed. So we created the Growth Portfolio.
It really is a “system”. It’s a series of defined steps that are carefully designed to keep you fully invested when the market is rising yet safely in cash when the market is falling. It’s not simply buy here and sell there. It’s risk management, position sizing and historically proven using computer simulations. We tell you exactly how much to allocate to each trade and exactly how to build a portfolio that is suitable for you.
Of course, 100% of this system is not 100% perfect for 100% of investors out there (Nothing can be).
But it will be very, very useful to beat the market over the long term and protect your capital during a GFC-type crisis should we see another one.
As you can see we’ve left nothing out, you can trade our Growth Portfolio as part of our Chartist AU or Chartist Pro membership options.