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Since I started trading have found out cash accounts and more orders than the account balance won’t let you place the orders. So for now I have halved position size till I get a margin account sorted
ZachSwannMemberAUS Market Sector Based Index Filter if have both US and AUS data
_SECTION_BEGIN(“AUS Sector Index Filter”);
SectorIndextog = ParamToggle(“Sector Index Filter”,”On|Off”,1);
sectorIndexCode = SectorIndexAUS = IIf(InGics(“10”),Foreign(“$”,”C”),
IIf(InGics(“55”),Foreign(“$”,”C”),Foreign(“$”,”C”)))))))))));SectorIndmaper = param(“Sector Index Filter MA Periods”,200,40,400,20);
sectorIndexfilterup = sectorindexcode > MA(sectorindexcode,sectorindmaper);
sectorIndexupfilt = IIf(sectorindextog,1,sectorindexfilterup);
_SECTION_END();ZachSwannMemberIt didn’t make a great deal of difference but I like Said idea of changing the close.
ZachSwannMemberI had a bit of a play when I designed my MR and just did one market condition at a time.
Here is what I used
//Market Enviroment Conditions
//Parameters_SECTION_BEGIN(“Market Conditions”);
SetForeign(“$XAO”);//Note if have US data $
slopedays = Param(“Time Period of System in Days”,100,1,300,1);//Days should match average bars of all profits
bullslopelimit = Param(“Slope Bull Market as a Gradient”,0.08748866352,0,400,.01);//Angle of MA Set to 5 degrees
Bearslopelimit = Param(“Slope Bear Market as a Gradient”,-0.08748866352,-400,0,.01);//Angle of MA Set to -5 degrees
voliper = Param(“Volitility Atr Period”,20,1,100,1);//Volitility Days
voliperbb=Param(“Volitility Period BBands”,180,20,300,1);//Volitility Period BBands
volisdbbtop = Param(“Volitility SD BBands Top”,1,0,5,.01); //Volitility SD BBands Top
volisdbbbot = Param(“Volitility SD BBands Bottom”,1,0,5,.01);//Volitility SD BBands Bottom
Slopeenviro = (Close- Ref(Close,-slopedays))/slopedays;//Gradient of MA
voli = ATR(voliper);//Market Volitility
//Market Type
bullmarketenviro = slopeenviro > (bullslopelimit);// MA Gradient greater than 5 degrees
Neutralmarketenviro = (bearslopelimit) <= slopeenviro and slopeenviro <= (bullslopelimit); // MA Gradient between -5 to 5 degrees
bearmarketenviro = slopeenviro < (bearslopelimit);// MA Gradient less than -5 degrees
HighVoli = voli > BBandTop(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbtop); //Volitility greater the 1 StdDev
MediumVoli = voli >=BBandBot(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbbot) and voli <= BBandTop(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbtop); //Volitility between bottom and top BBand
LowVoli = voli < BBandBot(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbbot); //Volitility greater the -1 StdDev
//Filter=bullmarketenviro OR Neutralmarketenviro OR bearmarketenviro;
//Filter =HighVoli OR MediumVoli OR LowVoli OR voli;
//AddColumn(highvoli,”H Voli”,1,colorDefault,colorDefault,80);
//AddColumn(mediumvoli,”M Voli”,1,colorDefault,colorDefault,80);
//AddColumn(lowvoli,”L Voli”,1,colorDefault,colorDefault,80);
//AddColumn(BarCount,”BAR Count”,1,colorDefault,colorDefault,80);Plot(BBandTop(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbtop),”bbtop”,colorBlue,styleLine);
Plot(BBandbot(voli,voliperbb,volisdbbtop),”bbtop”,colorBlue,styleLine);Marketcond=ParamList(“Market Conditions”,”No Market Conditions|Bull Market High Volitility|Bull Market Medium Volitility|Bull Market Low Volitility|Neutral Market High Volitility|Neutral Market Medium Volitility|Neutral Market Low Volitility|Bear Market High Volitility|Bear Market Medium Volitility|Bear Market Low Volitility”,0);
if(marketcond==”No Market Conditions”) marketcondition= 1;
if(marketcond==”Bull Market High Volitility”) marketcondition=bullmarketenviro AND HighVoli;
if(marketcond==”Bull Market Medium Volitility”) marketcondition=bullmarketenviro AND MediumVoli;
if(marketcond==”Bull Market Low Volitility”) marketcondition=bullmarketenviro AND LowVoli;
if(marketcond==”Neutral Market High Volitility”) marketcondition=Neutralmarketenviro AND HighVoli;
if(marketcond==”Neutral Market Medium Volitility”) marketcondition=Neutralmarketenviro AND MediumVoli;
if(marketcond==”Neutral Market Low Volitility”) marketcondition=Neutralmarketenviro AND LowVoli;
if(marketcond==”Bear Market High Volitility”) marketcondition=bearmarketenviro AND HighVoli;
if(marketcond==”Bear Market Medium Volitility”) marketcondition=bearmarketenviro AND MediumVoli;
if(marketcond==”Bear Market Low Volitility”) marketcondition=bearmarketenviro AND LowVoli;ZachSwannMemberMR System Orders placed with a VPS and API running.
One thing I did find was with .csv file you import to the API the name couldn’t have any dots other than the one before the csvZachSwannMemberHave been Said’s some pretty good ideas, now for Brent’s.
ZachSwannMemberMR system so far at about carg 15-16 and mdd about 11-12
Chasing some ideas on MOC systems
Last idea I had with MOC was ref(rsi(2),-1)-rsi(2) > lvl with a Ma
Results carg 4% mdd >20% terrible butZachSwannMemberHave figure out my roc based system is only good for a small account balance.
Have started playing with couple of different mean reversion systems one short rsi based and the other with lower averages
Had a thought while doing this a trend following system with hold(buycondition) and a short term rsi entry idea for testing another day
ZachSwannMemberCurrently building a short term roc based system.
In the process of reducing selection bias.
I have successfully blown up my first system with Monte Carlo awesome. Now I know MCS actually works excellent.
I think I have found myself the everlasting puzzle good fun.Also am building a Longer term Rsi system in the background.
ZachSwannMemberFishing Phuket not sure but the only place I have been fishing in Thailand is Koh Larn island just off Pattaya fishing for squid under lights in the night 4 hour trip about $20 they cook them up on the boat if you go a like a beer just remember to take them with you on the boat