My MOC short merges two systems into one but I did that because I had to in order to reach a cagr that made it worth the effort to trade..if I had two great systems it would be good to keep them separate if possible. One way (which probably wont work ) would be to pick a variable and make it a condition in system 1 for the variable to be above X and the same condition in system 2 needs to be below X
above/below MA
recent HV/ past HV
HV/ Index HV
Ideally it wont impact cagr much but will just allow a neat division of trades (yeah..I don’t really believe it either, even as I type it, but sometimes things test out differently)
When that fails, another test that may be worth trying is making one system a MRV with very short stale exit (2 or 3 days) ? It would reduce trade replication somewhat and add a bit of diversification at the cost of slightly higher maxDD