Forum Replies Created
Sorry to hear Kate. Take care of yourself.
GlenPeakeParticipantSEPTEMBER 2024
WTT +11.64%
ASX100 RTN +9.92%
ASX LSS +10.24%US
MR#1 +0.96%
MR#2 +3.52%
MR#3 -1.64%
MR#4 -3.17%
MR#5 -2.10%NDX100 RTN +3.40%
R1000 RTN +13.59%US LSS -4.88%
Monthly Total Account: +6.92%
Drawdown Start Date: NOV 2021
Max Drawdown: -32%
Max Drawdown date: MAY 2023
Current Drawdown: 0%A circa 3 Year Drawdown is now in the rear view mirror. At New Equity Highs now.
The ASX LSS (LeTour Swing System) ticked over +100% gains during SEPT. This system went live April 2023, so in 18months the portfolio has doubled in size. The aim/target for this system now is to try and double the account again….target date is DEC 2025 circa 15months. With a more favourable trending market and improved stock selection, pattern recognition scanners, this target will hopefully be achieved.
The ASX LSS stats posted on Twitter during SEPT
GlenPeakeParticipantJust going over some of my yearly stats atm Nick.
RE: Your R1000 MOMO & NDX MOMO yearly stats
What gets me is, we trade the same ‘style’ of system, yet I trade my own versions of these systems and we have different momo setups/ranks/number of positions etc…. yet our stats are almost identical.My R1000 return this year: 44.60%
My NDX return this year: 28.09%Prior to the Mentor course, whenever I saw a tweet like the one containing these yearly performance metrics, my jaw would drop and I’d ask myself, ‘How does Nick KEEP pulling these awesome numbers….?’ AND How can I get to that level?
…….. I would not have the answers/insights to those questions without this Course….. Thank goodness for the Mentoring!
GlenPeakeParticipantWOW!!! Well Done Terry!
GlenPeakeParticipantAUGUST 2024
WTT +4.37%
ASX100 RTN +2.62%
XSO RTN +1.92%
ASX LSS +0.83%US
MR#1 -4.73%
MR#2 -3.20%
MR#3 +0.71%
MR#4 +12.90%
MR#5 -1.54%NDX100 RTN -9.86%
R1000 RTN +12.57%US LSS -8.79%
Monthly Total Account: -0.98%
GlenPeakeParticipantYou can load/send your orders into BasketTrader and then shutdown you PC/Laptop…. orders will be processed normally.
If you’re using Multi-Day MR systems and you have SELL orders that need to be processed before any new BUY orders can be sent, as you’re using a CASH Account (No Margin etc)…. Then I set a “GoodAfterTime” in the BasketTrader template……. e.g. 09:30:30 US/Eastern
This way any SELL orders will be processed on market open (this will then free up cash in the cash account) and new buy orders will be sent at the GoodAfterTime 09:30:30 US/Eastern etc….just after the market has open and the SELLs have been processed etc.
Let me know if you need more details on this one…
I’m still trading as normal….. no adjustments to any positions. Still trading MR systems and placing orders everyday… Was basically 100% long in most of my multi-day MR systems since late last week, so some DD there….. SELL order’s being placed tonight in MR’s, as the system has generated SELL signals etc and placing BUY orders for new setups in MR’s as per normal.
GlenPeakeParticipantJULY 2024
WTT +5.32%
ASX100 RTN -0.95%
ASX LSS +8.70%US
MR#1 -3.50%
MR#2 -5.22%
MR#3 -0.45%
MR#4 -3.92%
MR#5 +6.53%NDX100 RTN -11.18%
R1000 RTN -5.57%US LSS -0.14%
Monthly Total Account: +1.93%
I’ve been working on a ‘Pattern Recognition Alert Dashboard’ for the ASX, for the primary use of detecting low risk candlestick setups based on Real Time Intra-Day data for my ASX LSS (LeTour Swing System)….. e.g. with the capability of detecting candlestick patterns/setups in Real Time using 5min, 15min, 30min or 1hour candlesticks.I was reviewing a product called Iguana Spark, which has ASX Real Time Data and an RTD plugin for Excel to ‘send’ Real Time ASX ‘tick’ data to Excel, from there my intention was to create the ‘Pattern Recognition Logic’ and thereafter, the Real Time Alert/Dashboard.
Spoke to Nick who suggested reaching out to Scott Lindsay @ XL Automation (Share Trade Tracker) Excel consultants, to see what they could offer. Spoke to Scott and sent him a Detailed Design document approx. 9 pages on what I was looking for….. Scott wasn’t confident that it was possible and couldn’t guarantee a solution, but offered a pay as you go hourly rate, Research/Development ‘best effort’.
… I did a little more research and found an alternate solution using TradingView…… TradingView doesn’t have the capability ‘out of the box’ to scan/screen for CUSTOM candlestick patterns…….the built-in Screener is fairly restrictive in that regard……..However, you can ‘code’ around it and create a ‘custom’ scanner capability (required some coding, similar coding language to AMIBROKER)
Pleased to say, that I’ve got a prototype going and I’ve been testing it for the past 2 days and so far, it looks the goods. Provides alerts in Real Time based on ‘any’ intraday candlestick time frame on the ASX, can bulk scan multiple symbols, up to a max of 40 symbols defined by the user….. This solution will also work on the US markets as well, which the alternate SPARK/EXCEL solution would not have been able to cater for.
GlenPeakeParticipantGlenPeakeParticipantYeah….thanks for the updates/feedback……
I kind of figured I wouldn’t be alone in noticing this ‘blip’ on the ‘market radar’….
GlenPeakeParticipantJust when the month starts off positively and most systems are well into the positive % return and you’re on the cusp of new equity highs…… Mr Market decides to come along and slap you across the face……..
In a nutshell, the slap came from NDX100/R1000 RTN and Mean Reversion trades/positions…. not a single green (US) position overnight across all systems….can’t remember the last time that happened.
Oh well, seen it before and we continue onto the #Next1000Trades
GlenPeakeParticipantJUNE 2024
WTT -2.95%
ASX100 RTN +1.50%
XSO RTN -7.75%
ASX LSS +0.58%US
MR#1 +2.15%
MR#2 +6.24%
MR#3 +8.48%
MR#4 +3.70%
MR#5 +1.68%NDX100 RTN +7.49%
R1000 RTN +0.16%US LSS +1.31%
Monthly Total Account: +0.41%
GlenPeakeParticipantMy MR’s picked GME again this week, entry circa $23.50 for a multi-day hold….. will be sold on next OPEN.
Currently circa +30% gain….. I didn’t even bother looking at the tickers prior to placing the orders.
(Fair enough to cull the orders on the Short side, I’d probably do the same, or manually reduce the position size)….
I just close the eyes and keep pushing buttons.
GlenPeakeParticipantSean Murphy post=14766 userid=5450 wrote:This is a big outcome from me starting the mentor program Glen. I may not be a whiz at strategy building, but the bones are there!
I would argue you’re ahead of 99% of the other punters out there…… Strategy Whiz or not….
GlenPeakeParticipantThanks Scott…. just chipping away at the #Next1000Trades