Just out of interest, does anyone know of a data provider who offers historical constituent lists for UK and European stocks, compatible with Amibroker? Similar to what Premium Data provide for AU and US stocks.
Over time, I would like to test different strategies on different markets for robustness etc.
Used Just Data a few years ago when they came up with this crap about you pay so much and you get lifetime data with all these exchanges. Sounded like a good deal and was indeed too good to be true. What they didn’t tell you was when the new Gold version of the software came out, this superseded the one they originally sold with the lifetime data download so you received no support unless you paid for it and what I found was their data was erroneous and I always seemed to have data corruptions. In the end I gave up and went with Premium Data. No further problems encountered. I now know what I see on the screen is the correct adjusted data.