I am using it, honestly it is a bit crowded especially the dashboard but they managed to solve the problems that they have.
for example it used to take me more than 6 hours to transfer from one version to another now it is around 5 minutes.
the graphs that shows all the portfolios together used to show wrong figures now it is OK.
They say for dividends it is better but i don’t use it
The Dashboard shows the starting capital and the current capital taking into consideration the cash fund/withdraw and the P/L then it calculates the % return (still the equation is wrong but they said they will fix it with the next release )
Let me also remind you that STT was designed as a basic portfolio management tool for our Chartist members. It was not designed to be overly advanced for more serious traders.
OK thanks guys. Said does your WTT to STT still work or did you write another one?
Also about dividends. I don’t use it because I believe that it gives you a dividend for a stock even if you only held it for a day. Is my understanding correct?
Also about dividends. I don’t use it because I believe that it gives you a dividend for a stock even if you only held it for a day. Is my understanding correct?
One thing i forgot to mention the reason that i moved to it is that i was testing it for some time and then they gave me free lic.
Today i went back to the old sheet the main reason is that it has all what i need and less crowded
second with the version on 3.0.6 that i have i can’t upgrade for future releases same as the 2.2.7