When doing MCS what should we be aiming for with the trade skipping settings?
As I understand it one of the reasons for doing MCS is to try and test the extra signals that otherwise don’t get picked up in a single run because of selection bias.
If for example I am testing my mean reversion system on a single run from 2000-2016 it produces around 4250 trades but if I use my MC Code with 10% skip it has around 3900 trades, so you are skipping about 8% of trades
As Nick has said somewhere before MR systems tend to have quieter periods followed by periods where there might be large numbers of possible positions, but using 10% skip you are skipping 1 in every 10 trades even in the quiet periods where there are no selection bias issues, but if we drop the skip back to 5-7% we might not take enough of the trades when selection bias is an issue.
Are we understating performance if we skip trades when there is no selection bias issues? this might not be a bad thing.
I think that makes sense…. :S