Scott’s direction will also show your processor speed which is also a factor.
e.g. Intel Core 17-6600U CPU 2.60Ghz
The CPU usage can be monitored in AmiBroker while doing a test – Go to the Tools menu and open Performance Monitor. If a test is pushing this toward 100% then the computer is probably struggling.
Other ways to potentially speed up tests include:-
1. Go to Tools>Preferences>Data and increase In-memory cache sizes, both max symbols and megabytes. I have 20,000 and 10,000 respectively so just increase toward that as accepted by your computer.
2. Ensure Local data storage is selected – File>Data Base Settings>Enable local storage. It can then help to do a single run over the data before a test to speed it up – e.g. if doing a monte carlo test, perform a single run backtest first, then the MC test, for a walk forward test do a single run backtest on the first date selection of in sample data only.
3. Turn off the NDU auto update to make sure there are no data download interruptions.