There is a higher margin account known as Portfolio Margin which can allow great leverage but is usually used when mixing markets and instruments, i.e. long equities + long puts, or long equities + short index futures etc etc
I am guessing since you have portfolio margin, this is higher than the 4x(NetLiquidationValue) number? My understanding of portfolio margin is that they look at the delta exposure of your whole portfolio (e.g. consider hedged positions) and thus extend more leverage if you are hedged.
Yes that is correct as far as I can make out. Strangely the guy I spoke to said that because the margin is based on volatility he has seen guys make 200K in a day and still get a margin call. Rare occurrence but possible.
Yes that is correct as far as I can make out. Strangely the guy I spoke to said that because the margin is based on volatility he has seen guys make 200K in a day and still get a margin call. Rare occurrence but possible.