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This guy boasts a 95% win rate…
Anyone see the scam?
Do they keep the trades open until they go above break even (no transaction costs)….if don’t go into the black then trade is classified as still open ?
You get the pizza!
They only post ‘closed’ trades – the ‘ol Renee Rivkin trick.
So this guy recommended buying VOC.au at $8.80 mid last year. He then a second purchase at $6.05 in September last year.
Whilst its now at $3.50 it was down at $2.35.
I picked him up on it (under a different name) and he told me to f#ck off…
Did you tell him to f#ck off back? I would have squared it.
I wonder what their open P/L is and how many positions they have open that are in the red!
Not sure if he was upset because I picked him up on it or the comparison to Renee Rivkin