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Adaptive Analysis is ideal for traders wanting to learn the intricacies of applying technical analysis to real world trading. Radge explains how to use price action to make the most of your winning trades and, importantly, to quickly recognise a losing trade and exit your position. He provides new insight into common market theory, including Elliott wave, micro patterns, risk management and exit strategies.


Nick Radge shows you how to manage your trades – how to get costs down, how to manage trades so that you cut your losses and let your profits run. Trading is about making money and Nick Radge shows you how to skew the numbers in your favour. Nick’s e-Book ‘Successful Stock Trading‘ is an extract from Adaptive Analysis.

Reviews for Adaptive Analysis

At the risk of over-selling this book, it is simply outstanding.” MRed on Amazon

“LOVED this book. As an experienced trader, I truly appreciate the attention to detail and coverage of the things that really matter. Beginning traders would do well to get out of the “indicator fascination” stage and read this book.” Yankees Fan on Amazon

Nick Rage gives a balanced analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of using Elliott Wave analysis. I find the theory potentially lucrative, but it is not a magic pill, and it is quite confusing trying to decide if a certain wave pattern replicates the theory, or not. Mr. Radge explains day-to-day uses for the theory down to earth terms. For me that’s helpful.” Bruce C on Amazon

Cut the noise and information barrage. What really matters in the markets is clearly explained by Nick Radge. This is the book you want to read to have a chance of success in the markets” Sooraj on Amazon

The book introduces key rules/ principles for trader to trade with margin of safety. Highly recommended for new traders to begin with.” Vu Duc T on Amazon

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