Hey everyone!
Just got access to the mentorship course today and saw others introducing themselves and thought I will do the same.
My name is Alex and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am 25 years old and have been interested in trading for years with unfortunately no success. Pretty disappointed with the way it has gone honestly but I can’t see myself giving up. I think people would be surprised with the amount of going around in circles I have done but that is another story for another day. Might share after becoming good
My goal now is to no longer trade directional and instead eventually as time progresses become a competent systematic trader that has many systems both trend following and mean reversion strategies. My goal in my mid to late 20’s is to gain great skills that will help me in becoming a great systematic trader. Don’t have wealth and net worth goals just want to be become competent in trading and as time passes hopefully the compound effect will start to do it’s job. Have no desire in withdrawing money from my account for years.
Left my banking job a few months ago as I was not interested in it and it did not provide any skillset hence currently unemployed but have virtually no liabilities such as rent or mortgage so mentally I will be fine and I can dedicate a lot of time to trading now. I am curious in learning cyber security, data science or get in a trading company in the long run. Most important thing though is to gain a skill set.
This will be the first time that I will try and manage money systematically and although I am no coding or math’s wizard, love how there is back testing which I know will help with consistency and confidence.
Warm regards,