A $9 monthly fee allows you to place MKT and LMT orders.
I have started using SelfWealth for two of my concentrated ASX portfolios, namely the ETF and the new ASX Momentum. $9.50 flat fee makes sense on larger orders.
Went back to SelfWealth for another look…US coming soon..be nice to diversify a bit of cash out of IB …hard to find other US brokers that will take Australian customers any more
A $9 monthly fee allows you to place MKT and LMT orders.
I have started using SelfWealth for two of my concentrated ASX portfolios, namely the ETF and the new ASX Momentum. $9.50 flat fee makes sense on larger orders.
Happy with SelfWealth to date Nick ? If they added API facility in future the 9.50 fee would make it tempting to try ASX MRV again as boost in cagr prob offset any missed trades
Damn…looking at the date stamp of my previous post makes me realize what a turtle I am (not in the Jerry Parker sense of the word)…
Anyway, I was hoping to please check (again) if Self Wealth is still performing for current clients please ?