Just wanted to share something to our new members here, maybe it will add value, maybe not.
I post on many trading forums, most of which I have taken a course with and their students post there.
This mentor-ship program and forum is in my opinion far superior to all of the ones I post or have posted in.
I learned a lesson long ago that if you are the smartest person in the room, leave the room. Surround yourself with people smarter and more knowledgeable about a topic than you are. . It’s hard to grow if you aren’t constantly stretching outside of your comfort zone.
Many of the forums, most of the students claim that I am the expert. However, here I feel like the new guy and still learning tons of concepts from both the students and my mentors that I feel like I should have known after 3 years of trading. I have taken many courses and its near impossible to get a one on one with your trading instructor. Nick and Craig have made themselves available anytime I have needed help which is extremely rare in other courses that are more expensive. Take advantage of their knowledge, never assume anything! Assuming will get you in trouble, I speak from experience. Enjoy the journey and trust the process!