Not being the most computer literature person on this forum, apologies in advance but trying to think way around problem…..
Is it possible to construct a simple DIY solution for monitoring VPS or TWS shutdowns ?
1. use free software (so far I am looking into Emco) that pings VPS from own laptop every 10-15 sec (short enough interval that server cannot restart between pings) or so overnight to check that VPS has not crashed (over home wifi cheap)…if it has crashed then laptop sounds loud audible alert or sends email (which can convert to sms if want) to wake us and check the VPS
2. place software (monitoring tool) on the VPS itself to also email (which then convert to sms to make audible ding on mobile beside bed) in case TWS closes down but server remains functioning (not looked into this software yet)
Again, apologies if missed something obvious