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14 days

14 Days to A Better Trading Education

Better Trading Education in 14 days? You have made the decision that you want to be a successful trader. Then the question is, how can I do this? Our goal at The Chartist is to help you become a successful trader. The benefits of The Chartist are first that we are trading with you.

These days everyone is busy and whilst the idea of ‘trading for a living’ sounds glamorous, it’s not. It is important to have a good life-work balance. Trading should be a small part of your daily routine. Taking the 14-day trial can be a great way to see how it fits into your lifestyle.

So, how does The Chartist membership work? You get access to new trading advice each evening. Log into the member’s area, review the analysis, place any new trades with your online broker, and log out. Indulge in a full range of resources. These include videos, trading courses and articles.

During your free trial, set aside some time to utilise these resources.

We’d love you to have access to The Chartist to see how the strategies and stock analysis can benefit you.

Once you have joined you have free access to The Chartist secure area for 14 days or until cancelled.

Your trial to The Chartist Pro membership provides access to all areas, including:

  •  ASX & Growth Portfolio
  •  ASX & US Momentum Portfolios
  •  ASX & US Power Setups®
  • ASX & Global Chart Research
  • Trading Education

If this sounds like the path you would like to explore further, give the free trial a go today!

The Chartist free trial membership

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